August 2012

The Florida disaster fund already exists and will need some funding as well. Governor Scott is asking the state to release money and also asking everyone to pitch in and help those hurt by the Tropical Storm/Hurricane Isaac. Palm Beach county was hit pretty hard and Citizens already had over 750 claims as a result of the storm and it is still early.Fort lauderdale has jad some damage, but Palm Beach does seem to be worse for sure. For a relatively weak storm, the damage was fairly moderate, but the response teams worked well. Please read the full article below and also call L & S Insurance  at 1-888-244-7400 for all of your quotes on Home, Auto, Flood, Business & Commercial and Life Insurance as well.


When you click on this link you will get the current track! Please call L & S Insurance for all of your Home, Auto, Business and Commercial, Flood, and even Life Insurance quotes at 1-888-244-7400

2 more arrests and more to come as PIP Fraud is anything but gone in Fort Lauderdale and Florida.The problem was never fixed properly in the last congressional session as usual and what we have is another Bandaid. New loopholes are always found and until the Legislators in Tall. decide to redo the program, we will not have a real solution. They did little this last time, but they are the ones on power so we must deal with it. Expect more Fraud and more arrests we hope!! Till then rates will not go down and should still continue to rise. At some point our Florida Politicians will actually decide to help the people, put the time into it that it needs and completely revise Florida and remove PIP all together. Please read the full article on Pip Fraud from the Sun Sentinal and was sent to us by our friends at First State Insurance.Please call L & S Insurance at 1-888-244-7400 and ask us for quotes on Home, Auto, Flood, Business & Commercial, and even Life Insurance quotes.,0,5378655.story


Please read the article and I know it says 40%, but these are state wide average’s. Do not think that Jacksonville, Gainesville and Tallahassee will seee major increases. The Pan handle will see some big Increases, but again in S. Florida, we could see 40-60 or  80% so start shopping now. If you are an Allstate customer with a Castle Key policy, watch out for your renewal. Once this is approved we should see increases quickly so I would assume for November renewals, but time will tell. Please call L & S Insurance for all of your quutes at 1-888-244-7400. We will quote your home, Auto, Flood, Business & Commercial, and Even Life Insurance quotes as well. PLease enjoy the article and send us your referrals.

Florida Lawmakers on both sides and in both houses want a 10% cap in rates, but in Florida, that has never happened. The reinspections by Citizens Insurance and other carriers in Fort Lauderdale and all over Florida  have caused rates to rise 50-100% for many. The other carriers have also raised rates and unless the rates are kept close, Citizens will get all the business which is not wanted by anyone. Governor Rick Scott tried appointing a new Citizens Insurance board president  in 2011 who was a personal friend and neighbor of his  as well. This did not go well politically and now he was fired in June and another new Board Chair has been chosen. This is not  a battle that anyone wanted during this election year as all incumbents will suffer for votes they made or will have to make, but next year this will be a huge issue again. This is why Governor Scott did not ask anyone in Talahassee to change the laws as he was trying to do it non legislatively. Seeing this as a way to make some headlines, now come the outcries that 10% caps are the max and it would be unlawful to think otherwise from Senator Fasano and a few other’s. Good luck to that and thanks for this article form the Saint Augustine Record. Please call L & S Insurance for all of you quotes at 1-888-244-7400 for Home, Auto, Flood, Business & Commercial, and even Life Insurance quotes.

We will see what happens in October with PIP and the new laws, but I do not believe the rates will change much because we have PIP and Florida is  still a No fault state. Many states have changed with a lot of success with price reductions, but The Legislators in Tallahassee could not pass a bill like that because of all the polictics.Governor Scott wanted this to get done in 2012, but no agreemnet could be reached. Now our prices will remain among the worst in the country so welcome still  to the Gold Coast. Please read the full article by the Palm Beach post and brought to us by our friends at First State Insurance. PLease call L & S at 1-888-244-7400 for uotes on Home, Auto, Flood, Business & Commercial and Life Insurance as well.

Please read this article by the Sun Sentinal and sent to us by our friends at First State Insurance in Fort Lauderdale. Citizens Insurance and the Board of Governors  has no idea what is really happening, and how to make real change except keep trying new things that can never work. The new one is called Depopulation, but the new version has Citizens paying large rate hikes to Insurance companies not the Policy Holders  from their 6 Billion in reserves just to be sure the book of business is removed for good. We know this will never happen, but the newest edition of depopulation is coming so we will see how this works?? Please call L & S Insurance at 1-888-244-7400 for a quote on Home, Auto, Flood, Business & Commercial and Life Insurance as well.